Friday, April 3, 2009


Hello everybody, welcome to “Intelligence program“ I am hostess Wendy. You must know what is IQ, have taked IQ test. You was heard about EQ. But someone’s intelligence is not only decided by that. Today, that me introduce intelligence to you.

In the early part of 20 century, Psychology discover the way to exam IQ, IQ has become a significant subject. IQ is the ability to solve problems well and to understand and learn complex material. A key aspect of IQ is the ability to adapt to the environment. The humanity devotes with the ponder or the rationality to solve in many logical problems. Aristoteles said the human is “the rational animal”, also because of IQ. Psychologists design many examinations to measure it. For eaxsample, the Binet-Simon Intelligence Scale,the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales and the Wechsler Scales. By these examinations, Humanity's intelligence is separated to the different rank. We call that “Intelligence Quotient” or IQ. According to this theory, the higher IQ people have, the higher ability people have.
In the middle stage of 1990, Daniel Goleman popularize the “Emotional Intelligence”, is also EQ. Daniel Goleman thought that EQ’s importance is equal to IQ and it involves in intelligence. It involves in subjective experiences and inclinations. EQ is the ability to understand and regulate emotions effectively. EQ make someone conscious of self and other’s sense. According to Daniel Goleman said, EQ is the basic condition to effective utilization of IQ. For example, if the brain control the part which we felt are spoiled, we will become no effectiveness.
In 2000, from psychology, neurology, anthropology and cognitive science research, that has enough evidence to prove the third kind of Q, it is “Spiritual Quotient” , is also SQ. Doesn’t like IQ, that is a ability which computer has. Doesn’t like EQ, that is a ability which only exists in avdvanced mammals. SQ is only exists in humans. Danah Zohar and Ian Marshall announce that the SQ is the most basic ability of three. It linds to the significance that humanity demand. In the new century, this is the mose important subject that human should face. SQ is a ability which we develop our signigicance and viewpoint , puursue the value. It lets us have the dream and take an acrion. It exists in somethin which we believe in. it is a role who change ours faith and the value into motion. It let us accept and revise our life.
Therefore,IQ,EQ,SQ is called the three stages of humanity evolution.

Do you thinks the intelligence to the humanity influence only then like this? Do you want to have more understand to intelligent and humanity's relations? Then, next week please continue to watch “Intelligence program

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Hello everyone, welcome to “The Intelligence Program“. I am your hostess Wendy. Almost everyone has heard of IQ and EQ and most have taken IQ tests. However, a person’s intelligence is more than just IQ and EQ. Today on “The Intelligence Program”, we will learn about what modern psychologists now believe about intelligence.
First of all, a person’s IQ is his or her ability to solve problems well, understand and learn complex material, and also the ability to adapt to environments. Psychologists have designed many examinations to measure it. Everyone has a different rank, or “IQ”, which is short for “Intelligence Quotient”.
The next component of our intelligence is our “EQ”, or “Emotional Quotient”. It is the ability to understand and regulate emotions effectively. Our EQ helps us to be conscious of ourselves and others. EQ involves intelligence, subjective experiences and inclinations. According to psychologist Daniel Goleman, our EQ is the basic condition to effective utilization of our IQ.
The last part of our intelligence is called our “Spiritual Quotient” or "SQ". Computers can have IQ, and many advanced mammals have EQ, but our SQ is what makes us humans. It is our ability to have faith, dream, believe, and pursue values with actions. It shapes who we are, and what we do.
Psychologists now believe that IQ, EQ, SQ are the three components of human intelligence.
Do you think that intelligence influences humanity? What’s the relationship between the two? To find out, tune in to “The Intelligence Program” the same time next week.
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