Thursday, May 14, 2009

Cathy's video

Hello everyone. Welcome to the Mango News. A mango a day, keeps the doctor away. I am Cathy, the host today. Now we are going to talk about the topic that is named hypochondriasis. People who get this disease often imagine that they really get any kind of sickness and go to the hospital frequently. Even if their physical exam is normal, they still suspect it. They also think that there is truly problem about the examination of their body health. So, it plays an important role in their lives to go to the hospital. Is there anyone like the situation I have mentioned? Or just think that he or she asks too much so that he or she ignore the problem. Maybe it is a psychological disease that is be ignored. How to deal with the illness is to control the medicine they take. A Additionally, his or her families, relatives, and friends are also initial. They have to let people who get this disease realize that he or she is very healthy and try our best to distract he or she. That is say, people around the sicker should get he or she to focus on other this except his or her disease. Now I want to tell you that care about people who you love as much as possible. If there is any problem you have, please call the number: 0800-111222. A mango a day, keeps the doctor away. Thinks for your listening. Remember next time to watch the program. Bye-Bye.

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